You’re a motivated entrepreneur, but overwhelmed with feeling like you need to do all the things.

You’ve tried DIY-ing your brand look, but are worried your business will never grow without a more legit looking online presence. You’re frustrated that the long nights you spend away from your family growing your brand might not be worth it in the long run if your business never takes off. 

I’ve been there too!

I’m now a brand designer and launch mentor for business women just like you who are ready to make their online business look legit. They know that what they have to share is important, powerful, and going to impact people, but not sure how to stand out from the crowd. I want to help you feel more confident in your business image so that you can go out there and push forward on your big, scary goals.

I was living my dream, but it wasn't enough.

Ever since I was in high school, I had a secret passion to one day be a mommy blogger. I’ve always loved the power of technology and it just seemed like the dream job. I’d get to stay home with my babies and play around online all day. In 2008, I launched my DIY blog, Burlap and Babies (that I later rebranded to A Crafted Passion) and started sharing my latest DIY project.

I had the blog, I soon got married and started having babies, and then life came crumbling down. I was hit with deep depression after the birth of my second baby and something had to change. I had to do something for myself. I needed to spend time doing something besides just “being a mom”.

I started really focusing on growing my blog into a full-blown business with sponsored projects, brand collaborations, and making it look legit and that’s when things changed. My brand started getting noticed. I could officially say I was a mommy blogger and I was having so much fun.

As my blog grew, friends and family started asking for help to get their online business up and running or looking better. As time went on, I found myself doing less DIY projects and more branding work online for others where eventually it turned into its own new business and I created a website to direct all the design inquiries. I love that I still got to be creative, but the projects didn’t take over my whole house or create dust everywhere.

Ah-Ha! I had an idea.

One day it hit me. I had heard of people selling their online business. Why couldn’t I? Would anyone even want it? Why was I splitting my time trying to run two online businesses when I could potentially sell my successful DIY blog and focus solely on helping people launch their own online business?

Six days later I had a buyer, the transfer was complete and our lives changed forever. I finally saw that all the time and energy I spent into growing my DIY brand was 100% worth it. I used the funds from the sale of the blog to hire a nanny and dive deep into helping other entrepreneurs grow a successful online business. 

I love that I have been able to help so many small businesses with their brand design, ebooks, course creation, and website design. 

Today I get to help amazing women share their passion and stand out from the crowd.

And I want to help you too!

To learn more about how I can help you make your online business look more professional and get your message across, visit my Work With Me page or answer some questions below and I'll be in touch. You'll hear back from me within two business days.
