are you sharing fresh pins enough? 


>> Create branded Pinterest images in just minutes using these templates! << 

13 styles, 8 pins per style, endless possibilities!

+ 7 More style sets!

Professionally designed with your brand in mind! Get instant access to these cohesive pin templates in Canva to easily create fresh, high-quality branded pins.

Your Epic Content + These Pin Templates  = A Winning Pinterest Strategy!

what you'll get...

  • 13 SETS OF 2:3 RATIO Canva pin template DESIGNS
  • An instructional video showing you how to customize the pins to fit your brand

BONUS: Get access to a video showing you exactly how easy it is to take one piece of new content and create multiple new pins in minutes using these templates.

Why do I need a Pinterest template?


Easily get the right size every time

Pinterest wants 2:3 ratio


No need to recreate your Pinnable graphics each time

Save time and create recognizable, on-brand pins for your audience


On-brand pins every time

Consistent branding makes your business stronger and familiar

Who are these pin templates best for?



Why do fresh pins matter?

because Pinterest said so. But, REally?

The algorithm favors new, fresh content on pinterest even more so than ever before. "fresh" means a new image or new url.

"create new images for existing relevant and new posts that will inspire Pinners to engage with, save, and click on your Pins."

tailwind app

"Consistent, ongoing activity is the best way to build a dedicated audience on Pinterest."


"Users respond to new Pins and the [Pinterest] algorithm loves them, so get ahead of the rest by adapting to these changes now."

tailwind app

Hi! I'm Amanda.

I have been on Pinterest and testing strategies since the early days of Pinterest when you had to be invited. In 2015, I started working for Simple Pin Media, a top Pinterest management company, as an account specialist managing small and large Pinterest accounts in many different niches. I worked as Operations Manager for Simple Pin until my second little girl was born in 2016 and then I moved into a Strategic Analyst role for the company helping both clients and account specialists dig deeper into why an account might not be doing well (or why it was growing all of a sudden).

That is where I found my true passion in digging into Pinterest accounts and what does best on the platform! I am a total nerd when it comes to Pinterest and love figuring out why one pin might be doing better than another.

Canva is a free browser-based photo editing program that enables users to create amazing high-quality images without using complicated software. When you purchase my Canva templates, you will receive a welcome PDF guide with instructions on how to save a copy of the templates for your own use. You will be required to sign up for a free account to access your templates.

Due to the instant downloadable nature of this product refunds are not available.

pinterest templates DESIGNED for high click-thru-rate
